260b Clarence Street | London, Ontario



November 30 - January 10, 2020
Opening Reception: Saturday, November 30, 2019 3-5pm

Trevor Baird
Louis Bouvier
Oliver Husain
Colin Miner
Jennifer Murphy
Christine Negus

Organized by Liza Eurich

What does it mean when the multitude gravitates towards a particular thing. What is it about this thing that haunts us, that inserts itself into our imaginative potential, that manifests as a recurrence. How does it speak for us, how does it speak differently or to the same point, or to the same point but in a different tone. This invocation may be out of time or it may be acknowledging a historical lineage; it may be desperate or in dialogue with its contemporary counterparts. In each of these cases the result is similar -- an intermittent murmur, one that gestures towards something that is now or again poignant; a marker that illuminates and questions.

The exhibition “Casing” focuses on the motif of the shell. Fragile, small, variable, symmetrical, pearlescent, a home, a husk, a tool, a currency, a resource, a listening device, a sounding mechanism, of nature, of decoration, of scientific classification or archeological relic. Often associated with fertility, erotiscism, death, reincarnation, divination and mysticism; or in the instance of the nautilus shell’s geometric spiral, an organizational principle, a mathematical structure or compositional arrangement that connotes precision and perfection.

Volume Nine


Casing, installation image

Casing, installation image

Casing, installation image

Casing, installation image

Casing, installation image

Casing, installation image

Louis Bouvier Rien de nouveau sous les OVNIS #6, 2018, lead and colored pencil on paper, 70 x 56 cm

Trevor Baird Secret of Shell Beach (White) and Secret of Shell Beach (Yellow), 2019, porcelain

Jennifer Murphy Deer, 2015, collage, 21 x 22 in

Louis Bouvier, Rien de nouveau sous les OVNIS #8, 2019, lead and colored pencil on paper, 66 x 61 cm

Colin Miner, Untitled (spiral), 2017-2019, bronze, nail

Christine Negus, Untitled and Untitled, 2018-2019, glazed stoneware

Jennifer Murphy, Cat, 2015, collage, 31.5 x 26 in

Oliver Husain, Galleria Cruise (screenshot), 2016, video, 5:03 min

Oliver Husain, Galleria Cruise (screenshot), 2016, video, 5:03 min

Oliver Husain, Galleria Cruise (screenshot), 2016, video, 5:03 min